Have you ever heard of the term lovemarks? This term may be one of the reasons why you are spending a lot on advertising but not getting a response. The concept of Lovemarks belongs to Kevin Roberts of Saatchi & Saatchi, a large advertising agency founded in England. This term considers brands not as an objective concept, but as a journey to an emotional relationship. In other words, it is based on the fact that human beings are creatures that act with their emotions and emphasizes that their approach to brands is shaped accordingly.
According to Loveamarks, the first interaction when you're new to a brand makes you memorable. If there is a catchy brand, if a remarkable logo is used, if the product or service is completely catchy, an interaction begins, just like the first stage of dating. That product has been on your mind a little bit, but there is still a serious way to get real commitment.
When we think about the cornerstones of a relationship, love and respect probably come. These two concepts ensure the strengthening of the relationship and the increase of commitment over time. If we consider the concept of brand as making a promise, we can actually see the connection of brand loyalty with emotional relationships.
So how do people connect to brands? First of all, you should stop calling it my brand and gain a different perspective. If you say it is my brand, you cannot look at it from the perspective of other people and prevent the development of the brand. If you look at the brand as an entity that you start dating, how can I respect it, how my love for it increases, how all people who use the service feel the same, everything will start to change.

This is available in a chart that better explains the term lovemarks. This graph has x and y axes. In the upper right corner, we see that brand loyalty increases at the point where respect and love increase the most. Users in this position can afford to make sacrifices and continue to defend the brand before giving up on the brand. On the upper left there is respect, but love is hardly present. This situation gives the feeling that yes they are doing their job well but it is not that important to me. The lower left corner indicates that something needs to change. For users, this brand means nothing. However, you can make few sales with too much advertising spending, too many promotions and discounts, which will not satisfy you. If the last point is in the lower right corner, there is love but not enough respect for the product or service. The general opinion of the users is that this service or product is exciting, fun, but do I need to buy it? Obviously, it is close to success, but it is a point that needs to be worked on.
So how do you know where the brand is? A satisfaction survey that you will add to your site may cause you to learn this. If you position the brand on this chart with questions that will measure the state of respect and love for the service and try to complete the deficiencies, I am sure that all your advertising expenditures will return more positive to you.